Tag Archives: ref

Difference between ref and out

In C#, ref and out are both used to pass arguments by reference to a method, allowing the method to modify the original variable. However, they have key differences in terms of initialization and usage.

  1. ref (Pass by Reference with Initialization Required)
  • The caller must initialize the variable before passing it to the method.
  • The method can modify the variable.
  • The variable retains the modified value after the method call.

Example of ref

✅ value is initialized before passing it to ModifyValue.
✅ ref allows modifying value inside the method.

  1. out (Pass by Reference without Initialization)
  • The caller does not need to initialize the variable.
  • The method must assign a value to the variable before returning.
  • Used mainly for returning multiple outputs from a method.

Example of out

✅ resultSum and resultProduct don’t need initialization before calling GetSumAndProduct.
✅ The method must assign values to sum and product before returning.

Key Differences Between ref and out

Initialization before passing?Yes, must be initialized before method callNo, doesn’t need to be initialized
Modification inside method?Optional, method may modify the valueMandatory, method must assign a value before returning
Use caseModifying an existing variableReturning multiple values from a method

When to Use?

  • Use ref when a method modifies an existing value.
  • Use out when a method returns multiple values.

Using Both ref and out in the Same Method

Let’s create an example where:

  • ref is used to update an existing value.
  • out is used to return multiple new values.

Example: Updating and Returning Multiple Values


  1. ref int number
  • The input value num (initialized as 3) is passed by reference.
  • It is modified inside ProcessNumbers (num += 5, making it 8).
  1. out int square, out int cube
  • These variables do not need to be initialized before calling ProcessNumbers.
  • The method must assign values to square and cube before returning.

Final Output:

Updated Number: 8
Square: 64
Cube: 512

Key Takeaways:

  • ref is used when you need to update an existing variable inside the method.
  • out is used when you need to return multiple values without requiring initialization.