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Difference between Rest and Restful API

The terms REST and RESTful API are related but distinct:

  1. REST (Representational State Transfer)
  • It is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints for designing networked applications.
  • REST is not a protocol or a standard but a set of principles that guide API design.
  • It emphasizes stateless communication, resource-based interactions, and the use of standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  • REST-compliant systems should follow constraints like client-server architecture, statelessness, cacheability, uniform interface, layered system, and optional code on demand.

2. RESTful API (RESTful Web Service)

    • A RESTful API is an implementation of the REST architecture in a web service.
    • It follows REST principles and allows clients to interact with resources using HTTP methods.
    • It typically uses JSON or XML for data exchange.
    • A properly designed RESTful API should provide meaningful URIs, standard HTTP status codes, and proper request/response formats.

    Key Differences

    FeatureRESTRESTful API
    DefinitionArchitectural styleWeb service following REST principles
    Standard?No, just a set of guidelinesYes, it implements REST principles
    CommunicationConceptual, defines how APIs should workPractical, an actual API built using REST
    ImplementationCannot be implemented directlyImplemented using HTTP, JSON, XML, etc.

    A RESTful API for a library system:

    • GET /books → Retrieve all books
    • POST /books → Add a new book
    • GET /books/1 → Retrieve book with ID 1
    • PUT /books/1 → Update book with ID 1
    • DELETE /books/1 → Delete book with ID 1

    In summary, REST is a concept, while a RESTful API is an actual implementation of that concept in web services.